When your physician sends you for a test, how many times do you receive a copy of that test? Shouldn’t you know what is in those records? Is it possible that given the busy nature of your physician’s practice that [ Read More ]
October, 2015
MEN: Not all Prostate Tests are the Same
Prostate Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death to men, behind lung cancer. An estimated 233,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed each year with approximately 30,000 deaths. The common screening test is the PSA.
Facial Injuries – More Than Skin Deep
As an advocate for victims of facial trauma that results in serious permanent disfigurement, I am confronted with explaining why the consequences to these victims are much greater than “skin deep”.
How I make a Jury “See” a Brain Injury
Nothing is more challenging for a trial lawyer than to prove to a jury that his client is brain injured when she or he looks, and appears to act, perfectly normal. Broken bones can be seen on x-rays. Injuries to [ Read More ]